the Kirby Dance

The Kirby Dance, is to this day, the single greatest emote known to man. It spans from texting, to mesaging, and AIM. But the orgins of such a powerful emote seems to be from the MMORPG World of Warcraft, and Mr. Rogers (Some legends say that Mr Rogers had this as one of his many gruesome tattos during his tour in vietnam). Although it appears to be nothing more than a simple emote, such as :D XD :-P It actually has a much more indepth purpose. It is, by most, to be the single most amazing way to spark a conversation. Also, legends say that one who can acutally perform this emote in real life using their body, could be endowed with inmortality, and unlimited wealth. Of course, no human could possibly mimic the Kirby Dance. Except for Chuck Norris, Mr. T, and Kimbo Slice. The Kirby Dance emote looks like this <(*.*<)(^*.*^)(>*.*)>
On this page, you will find 30 slang terms related to the Kirby Dance. Some of the top words include: Cowan Special, rectumizer, Afro League, (>'.')>, pong, and 25 more.